LORD SHIVA

Shiva is the third god in the triumvirate. The triumvirate consists of three gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world. The other two god are gods are Brahma and Vishnu. People known Shiva as God of Death. Shiva always has blue face and body. Shiva has an extra eye on his forehead. This eye represented the wisdom and insight that Shiva has. It is also believed to be the source of his untamed energy. The cobra on his neck is showing Shiva’s power over the most dangerous creatures in this world. Vibhuti is the three lines on his forehead in white ash represented his all-pervading nature, his superhuman power and wealth.

Shiva’s role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it. Shiva therefore seen as the source of both good and evil and is regarded as the one who combines many contradictory elements. Shiva is known to have untamed passion. Which leads him to extremes in behaviour. Sometimes he is ascetic, abstaining from all word pleasures. At others he is a hedonist.

                               SHIVA AND HIS WIFE 'PARVATI'

After he got married with his wife who named Parvati, she brings him balance. Their union allow him to be an ascetic and a lover but within the bounds of marriage.

                                      HALF SHIVA AND PARVATI

Shiva sometimes represented as half man and another half as woman. His figure is split half way down the body, one half showing his body and second half that of Parvati’s.

                                                          SHIVA LINGA

Shiva is also represented by ‘Shiva Linga’. This is a phallic statue which in black, representing the raw power of Shiva and his masculinity. In most of the temples Shiva represent in shiva linga only and it’s very rare to see Shiva’s real look statue. Hindus believed is represents the seed of universe, demonstrating Shiva’s quality of creation. Worshippers of Shiva celebrate ‘Mahashivratri’ is a festival at which the shiva linga bathed in water, milk and honey. Mahashivaratri is a festival which is all the devotees of Shiva do pooja in the temple sleeplessness.


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